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7:00 am Executive Breakfast Briefing


As a highly collaborative yet fragmented industry, technology leaders could benefit from having open conversations that move beyond the conventional boundaries of innovation. This intimate, solutions-led roundtable provides a unique and intimate space for senior technology professionals to benchmark best practices and share lessons learned for implementing a robust technology strategy across your firm.

*By confirmation only. Please indicate interest at point of registration and you will receive confirmation of your place

7:50 am Chair’s Opening Remarks

  • Alex Belkofer Senior Director of VDC, McCarthy Building Companies Inc

Maximizing Technology Adoption Across Your Organization

8:00 am Overcoming Internal Challenges in Adopting Technology & Exploring Strategies for Leadership Buy-in


• Demonstrating the tangible benefits of technology to leadership and how it aligns with company goals to overcome their technology disconnect

• Bridging the communication gap between technical experts and non-technical executives to facilitate a shared understanding of the technology’s value proposition

• Leveraging external successes to demonstrate internal potential by identifying and showcasing parallels with proven technologies

• Finding leaders who champion innovation and mandate technology adoption to accelerate the acceptance of new tools and practices

8:40 am Cultivating a Progressive Company Culture for Successful Technology Adoption


• Acknowledging the need for both innovation-driven individuals and those with longstanding construction experience to ensure new approaches are integrated without dismissing proven methods

• Empowering younger staff to take on leadership and decision-making roles to bring forward innovative solutions

• Identifying champions at different levels within your organization to support the successful rollout of new technologies

• Showcasing the effectiveness and efficiency of new processes or technologies before implementation to help team members embrace change

9:50 am Morning Refreshments & Networking

Optimizing Project Partner Collaboration

Optimizing Project Partner Collaboration

10:30am: Coordinating People, Processes, & Technology to Optimize Project Partner
Collaboration Across All Contract-Types

• Benchmarking best practices to optimize project team collaboration with technology when contractual agreements do not explicitly facilitate this
• Adopting a human-centric approach to solve integration challenges between project teams by acknowledging the diverse personalities and communication styles
• Learning effective ways to establish collaboration between design teams through team-building events and open communication to foster a positive working relationship
• Translating successful project partner collaboration practices into contractual agreements to ensure future project consistency

Chantelle Menlove, Director of Technology & Innovation, Big-D Construction

11:10am: Developing Soft Skills for Managing Conflict Resolution to Improve Team Dynamics & Effectively Lead the Team

• Learning to efficiently make use of time and resources when managing project teams with various responsibilities and tasks
• Overcoming communication and participation challenges, particularly in large project meetings
• Incorporating conflict resolution techniques into project management practices to address issues that may arise in a professional setting
• Developing a collaborative environment that encourages open communication and constructive problem-solving

 Lutalo Webb, Vice President of Innovation, Guarantee Electrical Company

12pm Lunch Break

Driving Collaboration With Technology

1:20pm: Case Study: Maximizing Collaboration Through Technology on Design-Build Projects to Break Down Silos & Improve Team Communication

• Revealing how design-build contracts encourage earlier conversations on technology adoption across the project
• Determining the most effective tools and technologies that have been enabled on design-build projects, that would not have been used otherwise
• Evaluating how the technological processes involved improved project results, driving further innovation across projects

Will Dam, BIM & VDC Manager, Andersen Construction

2:00pm: Audience Discussion: Exploring Collaborative Software Platforms to Realize Project Partner Interoperability

• Showcasing the process adopted for benchmarking and selecting a collaborative platform that suited the project’s needs
• Emphasizing the need to communicate the technical merits of a platform to the design team to gain support and reduce personal preference bias
• Exploring the advanced features of coordination tools for improved design review, efficient clash detection, and optimal collaboration
• Standardizing documentation practices to effectively share information across project teams

2:50pm Afternoon Refreshments


Building Information Modeling
Job Site Tracking & Monitoring
Technology & Innovation Strategy

Adapting to a Rapidly Evolving Technology Landscape

3:20 pm Exploring Methods to Keep Up With the Exponential Growth of Technology & Avoid Tech Paralysis

  • Eric Stenstrom Director - Information Technology, Power Construction Company


• Examining how the exponential rate of technological change can positively and negatively impact individual and company-wide capabilities

• Addressing the ongoing quest for innovation and its impact on workforce education, capabilities, and focus

• Balancing bandwidth constraints and in-depth exploration of new tools to fully understand its scope before piloting

4:00 pm Panel: Establishing Industry-Wide Standards to Drive Efficiency in Technology Adoption & Project Execution


• Discussing how the absence of industry-wide standards and government mandate requirements affect uniformity in technology adoption and internal processes

• Examining the challenges that arise from owners setting their own standards and tools, resulting in varied KPIs and potential inefficiencies in project execution

• Emphasizing the need for a unified voice and the industry’s collective responsibility to establish a golden standard that ties processes together to ensure that contractor differentiation comes from creative project execution rather than software choices 

4:40 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks

  • Alex Belkofer Senior Director of VDC, McCarthy Building Companies Inc

4:50 pm End of Conference